Our Common Housing Allocation Scheme changed on 2 September 2024
The Allocation Scheme sets out who qualifies for social housing in North Herts and how applications are prioritised. This is to ensure it continues to prioritise scarce social housing for those who need it the most.
Following consultation, we changed some of the qualification criteria for who can join the Common Housing Register:
· New gross annual household income limits. Households with incomes above the following limits will not qualify to join the Common Housing Register: £39,000 if you need a studio/1 bed home; £50,000 if you need a 2-bed home; or £64,000 if you need a 3 bed or larger home;
· A new savings limit for households requiring general needs housing. Households with savings above £16,000 will not qualify to join the Common Housing Register (households requiring sheltered housing/retirement living are exempt from the savings limit but will be placed in Band C unless they have sufficient resources to buy a suitable property on the open market);
· Homeowners requiring general needs housing will no longer qualify to join the Common Housing Register.
We also removed preference (priority) currently awarded to the following groups:
· Social tenants who are under-occupying sheltered housing/retirement living;
· Households with young children who are living above the ground floor and/or without access to a secure garden;
· Households who are sharing facilities with others who are not included in their application but who do have a legal right to reside in the property i.e. joint tenants.
If you are currently registered on the Common Housing Register, you should be aware that your existing preference and/or qualification for the Common Housing Register may change once the new Common Housing Allocation Scheme is in place.
For more information see the Common Housing Allocation Scheme FAQ’s in the Help section.
Look out for a pop up inviting you to re-register your housing application (3 month prior to your registration date)
In order to keep the register up to date, the North Hertfordshire Housing Partnership undertakes a regular review. We are obliged to verify that you still wish to be on the register and also check that your circumstances have not changed.
In the 3 months before the annual anniversary of your application you will receive a pop up on your Home4U homepage asking you to re-register.
If you wish to remain on the register and renew your application you need to login to your account and confirm one of the following options:
· No, my circumstances have not changed - If your circumstances have not changed then click on the ‘no’ box. This means your application will be renewed for another year. No further action will be required.
· Yes, my circumstances have changed - For example, if you have moved home or a household member has joined your household, then you will be required to complete an online form detailing any such changes. Click on the ‘Have your circumstances changed’ link and follow the instructions submitting with evidence.
If you do not respond to the annual review your application will result in your registration account being closed and you will no longer be able to bid for homes on Home4U.
Read settle's 'Are you tenancy ready' handbook in the 'Help' section for a comprehensive overview of the steps you can expect to take when becoming a settle tenant.
Mutual Exchange

If you are a social housing tenant, there's more than one way to move. As well as looking for a new home through Home4U, you can also advertise your home for 'swap' with another tenant on the Exchange Locata website. Why not take a look and see what is available?